Learn by doing it yourself
Know latest technologies
Build real-world solutions
Get acknowledged
Experts from top universities like IIT Delhi and Carnegie Mellon, USA.
DIY kits making learning technology both a practical and a joyful experience.
Build technology solutions with practical and real world applications.
Reviews from Parents and Students
Artificial Intelligence Course, our 12 year old son is doing this and loving it. Learning loads! Can highly recommend it. Excellent classes and well worth the money
joined the IoT course at school. It was the best course I attended. I made my own home automation app. Thank you Oxygen to Innovation
I took the Robotics course online. I immensely enjoyed it. It was very useful and very interesting
My son, 14 years old, is very interested in games. I got him enrolled in this game designing course. He made his own game. I was surprised and very proud of him
I have always wanted my children to learn the latest technology. Therefore, I enrolled him in the AI course. He got a chance to actually make something real. It made him feel successful and made him think bigger.
I have always believed in practical education. Both my children are enrolled in O2i courses. I find them very practical and useful. Children make real stuff that they can use at homes. I really liked the courses and kits and would highly recommend this to all the parents